Embark on a captivating historical fantasy series set in the historic site of Japan, the Hinenosho.
The second installment, "Hinenosho Chronicles: Journey Across Time", has just been released! This series unfolds thrilling adventures across time, set against the rich backdrop of Hinenosho's history and culture. The story, woven by intriguing characters, promises an exciting narrative that will immerse readers. You can download the PDF of "Hinenosho Chronicles: Journey Across Time" for free using the button below. We hope you'll indulge in this fantastic tale and savor the charm of Hinenosho.Additionally, the Izumisano City Public Library offers print copies of the first installment, "Hinenosho Chronicles: Heirs of Resolve." Moreover, the electronic version of this series is available for online reading through the library's Izumisano Digital Library.